Step out in Style!

With changing weather fashion changes too! What was hot yesterday might not be hot today! Fashion world is at a constant flux and to keep up with the glamour industry we have to stay up-to-date too. Every designer’s collection brings something new every season, which filters through stores and finally ends up in your closet! But Beware! I don’t want you to end up with wrong stuff in your closet! So here are some tips what to wear this season:

Bustiers: Being a risqué trend you have to be comfortable wearing them. You can wear them in three different looks:
Casual: Wear the bustier under a white casual shirt, loosen up the first three buttons and pair it with skinny jeans. 
Formal: Pair your bustier with a plain formal pantsuit for a chic, bold, formal look.
Party: Wear a sheer top over a bustier and step out for a sassy evening.

Drop waist Dress: A dress which made heads turn in 20’s is back with a bang. This figure-flattering dress is one of the rarest trends that can be worn by any body type. Dangly earrings and a box clutch with a drop-waist dress, is a match made in fashion heaven.

Geometrics: Look amazing with geometric prints squares, triangles and polyhedrons are hot in dresses and skirts this season. 

Tartan Tees: Well the Scottish print is back. Go crazy wearing amazing tartan T-shirts, pants, skirts and dresses. 

Edgy Cuts: Edgy cut dresses can be a latest addition to your closet. Go gaga wearing structured cut coats, dresses this season and be a head turner!

Go Electric: Rock this season with electric hues of green, blue & pink. Just indulge in eye popping & bright hues of accessories or shoes or you can pair this trend with subtle black or white shades.

Envious Emerald: Emerald green is the color of the year! It illuminates & accentuates shapes and curves. Be it tops, dresses, coats or accessories, this trend is actually a show stopper!   
